

The Economic Planning Board organized its first Business Networking event of the year on 29th April 2017, at Holiday Inn Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The event brought together 31 participants and companies from different sectors for this networking event. Presented by Al Amin…

Celebration of Learning

On Saturday 13 May 2017, ITREB for Eastern Tanzania held a Celebration of Learning event at Upanga Jamat Khana. It was an opportunity for the students to showcase the knowledge gained over the past academic…

Step Connect

Secondary school students showcase activities, learning initiatives and projects to the Jamat in an annual event known as STEP CONNECT. This year’s Step Connect featured a documentary revolving around four themes: Role of Intellect, Imamat,…

International Women’s Day

“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women”. Kofi Annan, 7th UN Secretary General International Women’s day is celebrated worldwide on 8th March. To celebrate Women’s Day, the Morogoro Women’s…

Our Gift to Our Imam

Nazrana is a murid’s unconditional gift to the Imam of the Time, inspired by sentiments of love, devotion, gratitude and humility in the context of the Imam-murid bond. The submission of a collective Jamati Nazrana…

Jubillee Games

Team Tanzania is ready to take Dubai by storm come July! Strong teams of 66 participants and 250 spectators from Tanzania will travel to Dubai for the Jubilee Games to be held from 22nd to…

Dar Fanous Roadshow

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: “We are here. We are one. We are ready!” On the evening of May 14th, 2016, the entire Jamat of Dar es Salaam was transported in time – on a spiritual…


It was the afternoon of Sunday the 22nd of May, Jubilee Towers (JT) was hustling and bustling with excitement, as all the recipients, Social Care members and Care Takers along with the staff of JT…

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