We live in a super-fast age. The Internet has shrunk the world dramatically and people are connected 24×7. Multitasking is the order of the day as we struggle to fulfill our responsibilities to everyone in our lives – employers, parents, spouses, children, clients and many others. In this melee, too often we forget to spare time for ourselves.

The stress levels continue to build up until one day a major collapse may make us aware that in all this frenzied activity we have forgotten to take care of one important thing – our health. As we spend days shuttling between hospital and home, subjecting our body to one test after another trying to find out what has gone wrong, we are forced to remember that Health is indeed Wealth.

Earlier days, life was very simple. People worked 9 to 5 jobs, often walked everywhere, ate more of home food, did household chores and enjoyed a healthy balance in life. Now, we have cars and bikes to go around in, exciting varieties of fast food to eat, home appliances to reduce our chores and save time. But the time that has been saved in this manner is now being spent in the workplace.

People do not have the time to exercise which is very essential for good health. Because of this lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension etc., are on the rise even among the young. This has alarming implications for the nation as a whole.

It is necessary to keep fit and healthy. Parents must inculcate this need in children from an early age. Moderation in food habits, daily exercise and work-life balance – all these can make a difference to our health. A yearly health checkup is essential. Without good health we cannot work or be self-reliant. This should be one of the most important priorities in our life.

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